This article explains the reason and steps to take if a user receives a Notification (email or Service Bus message) from the Connect ID Service, that mentions a FIFA_ID which they cannot find in the National Registration System (NRS).

FIFA Connect ID Service has a Notification mechanism (explained in details here) which is intended to inform MAs about certain data changes for players that used to play for them. The goal is to keep data in sync across different MAs.

Most MAs have made notifications part of their business process. For example: if they receive an email about a "date of birth changed", they go to their NRS and update the date of birth of a given player.

But what to do if you cannot find a FIFA_ID in your NRS? Although it's a very rare case, you should not ignore such a notification as it is not a mistake.

Such a situation may arise if two persons (FIFA_IDs) have been merged. One of your FIFA_IDs (called secondary) has been merged into the other FIFA_ID (primary) - the one that notification mentions. This can be confirmed in the following way: 

You will see something like this:

In this example FIFA_ID = 1KTBNK2 (secondary) has been merged into FIFA_ID = 1KTBNJ2 (primary). If you check your NRS for the secondary FIFA_ID (not the one from the notification but the one from the Audit Trail), you will likely find it!

If that happens you should replace the secondary FIFA_ID with a primary FIFA_ID in your NRS.

Please note, that whenever one of your FIFA_ID is merged into another one, you receive a notification as well. It's crucial that you promptly react to such merge notifications. Such reactions may be automated if you choose to receive a Service Bus message instead of an email (read more here).

If you think this article does not explain your case, kindly contact us at [email protected] and we'll look into it.