Certain information needs to be recorded during the registration of each stakeholder.

1. Persons

The Member Association’s registration department must thoroughly cross-check the player’s details with a valid proof of identity for completeness and correctness. Valid proofs of identity include the passport, national ID, and in some cases driver’s license or birth certificate, in that order. Afterwards, Member Associations need to ensure the following details are accurately entered in their national registration system: 

  • Full international name of the player (in Latin/ Roman script) as indicated in the proof of identity, if available. Particularly all professional players, youth academy players and players transferring internationally must have an international name entered in the relevant registration systems.
  • Full local name of the player as indicated in the proof of identity. The local name may be different from the international name and in non-Latin characters. 
  • Date of birth in Gregorian (western) calendar format (DD.MM.YYYY)
  • Gender
  • Nationality(ies) of the player. We suggest to indicate all nationalities supported by the relevant proofs of identity.
  • Country and place of birth
  • Current picture of the player, for identification purpose

Additional information required in the context of assigning FIFA IDs (not directly related to the person) is documented here: https://support.id.ma.services/support/solutions/articles/7000057638-what-is-the-mandatory-and-optional-data-to-be-provided-when-assigning-a-fifa-id-to-a-person-

2. Organisations

For organisations, or specifically clubs, the following information needs to be provided:

  • International (long) name: full name in Latin/Roman script as in an official registry, such as a state/government registry (or translation into Latin characters, if the official registry is only in local characters) 
  • International short name: popular name in Latin/Roman script as used in international media (e.g. newspaper or TV) (or translation into Latin characters from local media, if no mention in international media)
  • Local (long) name: full name in local characters as in an official registry, such as a state/government registry
  • Local short name: popular name in local characters as used in local media (e.g. newspaper or TV)
  • Official address: the official address of the club, including country, town, and full address (e.g. postal code, street, number, as applicable). The address should be provided in Latin/Roman script.
  • Status: active or inactive (disaffiliated in TMS)
  • Training category: FIFA training category (1-4) of the club for each season.

Requirement with regards to the Clearing House use cases (domestic transfers and first pro registration) are described in another article: https://support.id.ma.services/support/solutions/articles/7000057894-clearing-house-integration