FMS should respond with player details at any time 

FMS should respond with player details upon request from other Member Associations at any time for the purpose of deduplication. 

Please refer to Step-by-step instruction Stage 3 for more details. 


Actions on Person entities 

Please refer to chapter 3 in SDK documentation which contains more detailed information regarding operations on person entities. 

FMS is able to generate unique FIFA Id for a person 

Steps to verify: 

  1. From FMS register a person and remember a person’s data. 
  1. Remember the FIFA ID of the player. 
  1. Go to Admin Console -> Audit Trail. 
  1. Filter by remembered Entity ID.

Expected behavior: 

Exactly one audit trail entry found with operation type Person Registered. Data in Operation description matches data from FMS. 

FMS is able to generate unique FIFA Id for a person in case of duplicates already exist 

FMS gives a user possibility to resolve duplicates 

A user of FMS should be able to see duplicates’ details and compare them with entered data. 

FMS is able to distinguish between internal and external duplicates 

Users should see who is the sender of data – member association or external system. 

User should also see duplicate data even if other system does not currently provide person details. 

FMS is able to use Force Register option to forcefully register a person when false positive duplicates are discovered 

Steps to verify: 

  1. From FMS register a person that is similar to the already registered person. E.g. swap names of the person. 
  1. In this example, we consider all duplicates are false positive duplicates, therefore, use the option to Force Register the person. 
  1. Remember FIFA ID. 
  1. Go to Admin Console -> Audit Trail. 
  1. Filter by remembered Entity ID. 

Expected behavior: 

Exactly one audit trail entry found with operation type Person Force Registered. Data in Operation description matches data from FMS. 

FMS can finish the process of resolving duplicates by taking over an existing FIFA ID

FMS should have an option to save the existing FIFA Id for the person in its DB. 

FMS is able to update information related to a person’s profile 

At any point in time, FMS is able to add/update registrations to a person’s profile. Update operation may cause duplicates to occur. FMS should be able to handle duplicates resolution in this case as well. 

FMS offers a possibility to update: 

  • Gender 
  • Date of birth 
  • Name 
  • Registrations:
  • Player Registrations 
  • Match official registrations 
  • Team official registrations 
  • Organization official registrations

Update name, gender, and date of birth 

Steps to verify: 

  1. From FMS update selected person’s namegender, and date of birth (change values to others) 
  2. Remember the FIFA ID of the player and the data used during the update. 
  3. Go to Admin Console -> Audit Trail. 
  4. Filter by remembered Entity ID.

Expected behavior: 

Audit trail entry found with operation type Person updated. Data in Operation description reflects updated data. In specific Operation description contains similar description: 

Name(s) changed 

Date of birth: old_date => new_date 

Gender: old_value => new_value 

Update registration data 

Steps to verify: 

  1. From FMS update player’s registration information – change the status of the registration from ‘Active’ to ‘Inactive’. 
  1. Remember the FIFA ID of the player. 
  1. Go to Admin Console -> Audit Trail. 
  1. Filter by remembered Entity ID. 

Expected behavior: Audit trail entry found with operation type Registrations updated. Data in Operation description reflects updated data: 

MA_name [FIFA_ID] (Active/Player/Football/Amateur) => MA_name [FIFA_ID] (Inactive/Player/Football/Amateur) 

Add registration data 

Steps to verify: 

  1. From FMS update player’s registration information by adding new player registration. E.g. add Player registration to a person that has OrganisationOfficialRegistration already. 
  1. Remember the FIFA ID of the player. 
  1. Go to Admin Console -> Audit Trail. 
  1. Filter by remembered Entity ID. 

Expected behavior: 

Audit trail entry found with operation type Registrations added. Data in Operation description reflects updated data: 

MA_name [FIFA_ID] (Active/Player/Football/Amateur) 

More detailed information can be found in SDK documentation – chapter 3.2.2 Update Person. 

FMS should have an option to merge/unmerge persons.
FMS should have an option to merge/unmerge persons in case existing person's data has already been registered in the system.

Steps to verify: 

  1. Prepare 2 persons FIFA IDs. 
  1. Call MergePersons() method and pass prepared FIFA IDs as parameters. 
  1. Go to Audit Trail in Admin Console. 
  1. 2 entries should be visible – one for a primary person (Person merged (primary)) and another one for a secondary person (Person merged (secondary)). 

Steps to verify for unmerge: 

  1. Prepare 2 persons FIFA IDs which were previously merged. 
  1. Call UnmergePersons() method and pass prepared FIFA IDs as parameters. 
  1. Go to Audit Trail in Admin Console. 
  1. 2 entries should be visible – one for a primary person (Person unmerged (primary)) and another one for a secondary person (Person unmerged (secondary)).

 Chapter 3.3.4 Merging/unmerging persons in SDK documentation has detailed information regarding merge functionality.